Drawing DApp
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About Drawing DApp
The Drawing DApp is a digital drawing canvas that operates on Cartesi Rollups. The main goal of this project is to showcase the efficient operation of 3rd party JavaScript libraries such as Fabric.js and Node Canvas (a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS) on the RISC-V Cartesi VM environment, ensuring the immutability of canvas data within the Rollups.
Components of the application include a front-end built on ReactJS with a Fabric.js HTML5 drawing canvas. Users can create new drawings or modify existing ones once connected. Drawings can be saved in the Rollups or turned into NFTs. The API, built on NodeJS, facilitates exporting drawings to SVG & PNG, storing, and uploading to IPFS for NFT creation. The Cartesi Rollups Back-end (Sunodo.io) is a NodeJS application running on a RISC-V Linux VM with Cartesi Rollups. It processes Rollups INPUTs, generates actions, and creates snapshots, notices, and vouchers using Fabric.js & Node Canvas for verified Drawings NFT data. Additionally, there is an NFT Smart Contract in place.
The deliverables for this project include UI Design and Development for the front-end application, setting up Rollups with the back-end application, and fully functional front-end development for the Drawing DApp.
For more details, refer to the full proposal at: https://governance.cartesi.io/t/in-response-to-rfp-for-developing-a-decentralized-painting-canvas-on-cartesi-rollups/80.
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